Web Site of ToyTrains1
Copyright Statement

All of the text contained within this page and all of the photographs and videos taken by ToyTrains1 are copyright (c) 2000 - 2023 by ToyTrains1, and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of ToyTrains1.

Please feel free to link to any of my web pages.  Please do not link directly to any of the images or videos located on my site; rather, link to the page that the image is located on.  For example, if you like my photo of the model blue comet, link to the page:


rather than to the photo itself:


Very specifically, you do not have permission to "hotlink" or "direct link" my images or videos into your blog, web discussion board postings, or other web pages for any purpose.  Don't do it!

When you hotlink to my images, you're consuming the bandwidth for which I pay my web host.  That constitutes "bandwidth theft," "bandwidth leeching", "bandwidth hijacking", or whatever you want to call it.  To be blunt, it's theft and I take active measures to prevent such misuse of my content.  Fair warning -- you'll wind up seeing the following image rather than the one you're trying to link to.

Some people have actually complained that hotlinking is the same as regular linking.  It isn't and while there are lots of places you can read about why hotlinking is bad (Google it if you don't believe me),  here's a good short explanation. http://www.webweaver.nu/html-tips/hotlinking.shtml

Last updated: 24 Feb 2023

All of the text contained within this page and all of the photographs and videos taken by ToyTrains1 are copyright (c) 2000 - 2023 by ToyTrains1, and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of ToyTrains1.

If you wish to use any of my content, please see my detailed copyright statement for terms and conditions of use.